Colief Infant Drops are a soothing solution designed to ease colic symptoms in infants. Let’s explore the details:
What Is Colief Infant Drops?
- Colief Infant Drops help alleviate colic symptoms caused by temporary lactose intolerance.
- Babies experiencing lactose intolerance struggle to fully break down lactose, a complex sugar found in breast milk and infant formula.
- This discomfort often manifests as prolonged periods of distressed crying.
- Colief Infant Drops contain the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose into simpler sugars (glucose and galactose), making digestion easier for your baby.
Usage Instructions:
Suitable from birth, these drops can be used whether your infant is breastfed or formula-fed.
Follow these guidelines based on your feeding method:
Breastfeeding with Colief:
- Express a few tablespoons of breast milk into a sterilized container.
- Add 4 drops of Colief Infant Drops.
- Administer this mixture to your infant using a sterilized spoon before breastfeeding normally.
Using Colief with Formula:
- Prepare your infant’s formula as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Add 4 drops of Colief Infant Drops to the warm (not hot) formula.
- Wait 30 minutes, shaking the formula occasionally, and then feed your infant as usual.
- Discard any unused formula.
Making Formula in Advance with Colief:
- Prepare your infant’s formula as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Add 2 drops of Colief Infant Drops to the warm (not hot) formula.
- Store it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours before use (use within 12 hours).
- Feed your infant as usual, ensuring the formula is at the correct temperature.
- Discard any unused formula.
Using Colief with Ready-Made Formula:
- Warm the formula.
- Add 4 drops of Colief Infant Drops to the warm (not hot) formula.
- Wait 30 minutes, shaking the formula occasionally, and then feed your infant as usual.
- Discard any unused formula.
Top Tips for Dealing With Colic:
Remain calm even when your baby experiences colic.
Establish a soothing routine during the time of day when colic symptoms are typically worse (often evenings).
Keep a log of when colic episodes occur to identify potential triggers.
Remember, Colief Infant Drops are for your baby’s use only and should not be shared. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional