This huge pill box is great for anyone who needs to store a significant amount of pills at any one time and allows you to store the pills in 4 separate compartments, each with its own label with the corresponding time of day, with one for the ‘Morning, Noon, Evening and Night’ so you know exactly what pills you need to take and at what times, making it the perfect pillbox for those with complex dosages with multiple types of pills needed at varying times during the day.
The Full week dispenser is very convenient, as you can prepare your pills and tablets a full week in advance, so you don’t need to constantly remind yourself to refill your pill box for the next day.
The Full Week Dispenser is both safe around young children as well as suitable for individuals with limited dexterity or hand strength, such as people with arthritis, due to its plastic cover tabs that will protect young children from getting the medication. The high-quality materials used in the Full Week Dispenser ensures durability and safety for your medication, allowing a secure compartment for your dosages.