WAXSOL Ear Drops contain the active ingredient docusate sodium, which is used to soften and remove ear wax. This medication works by breaking up and dispersing ear wax, making it easier to clear the ear canal. It is commonly used in adults and the elderly, and should only be used in children under 12 years on medical advice.
- Fill the dropper from the bottle.
- Tilt your head to one side and gently drip WAXSOL into the blocked ear until it is full.
- Place a cotton wool plug in the ear.
- Use the drops for 2 nights at a time, preferably before bed. If the problem persists, consult your doctor.
Side Effects:
- Possible allergic reactions, including redness or rash.
- Rarely, stinging or soreness may occur. If pain persists, discontinue use and seek medical advice.